Oh No! BottomTabNavigator Not Showing Tabs at the Bottom in React Native?
Image by Sheileen - hkhazo.biz.id

Oh No! BottomTabNavigator Not Showing Tabs at the Bottom in React Native?

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Are you pulling your hair out because your BottomTabNavigator is refusing to show tabs at the bottom of the screen in your React Native app? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This frustrating issue has puzzled many a developer, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the solutions and get those tabs where they belong – at the bottom!

What’s Causing the Trouble?

Before we jump into the fixes, let’s quickly explore the possible culprits behind this issue:

  • Incorrectly configured BottomTabNavigator: You might have made a small mistake in the configuration, which is causing the tabs to appear at the top.
  • Overriding styles or layouts: Perhaps you’ve applied some CSS or layout styles that are overriding the default behavior of the BottomTabNavigator.
  • Android or iOS platform quirks: Yep, you guessed it – platform-specific quirks can sometimes cause unexpected behavior.
  • Third-party library conflicts: If you’re using other libraries or components that manipulate the navigation or layout, they might be interfering with the BottomTabNavigator.

Solution 1: Check Your BottomTabNavigator Configuration

Let’s start with the most obvious potential cause – incorrect configuration. Double-check your code to ensure you’ve correctly set up the BottomTabNavigator:

import { createBottomTabNavigator } from '@react-navigation/bottom-tabs';

const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator();

function MyTabs() {
  return (

Make sure you’ve imported the correct module, created the navigator, and defined the screens correctly. If you’re using a custom tab bar, ensure you’ve set it up correctly as well.

Solution 2: Reset Styles and Layouts

If you’ve applied custom styles or layouts to your components, try resetting them to their default values. This will help you identify if the issue is indeed related to styling:

import { View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    // Remove any custom styles that might be overriding the default behavior

By removing any custom styles, you’ll be able to isolate the issue and determine if it’s related to styling or something else.

Solution 3: Platform-Specific Tweaks

Let’s tackle those platform-specific quirks!


On iOS, you might need to add the following property to your `Info.plist` file:


This will ensure that the status bar is properly handled, which might resolve the tab positioning issue.


For Android, try adding the following code to your `AndroidManifest.xml` file:

      <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
      <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

This code snippet includes some essential configuration for Android, which might resolve the tab positioning issue.

Solution 4: Isolate Third-Party Library Conflicts

If you’re using other libraries or components that manipulate the navigation or layout, try isolating them to identify if they’re causing the issue:

  1. Comment out or remove the suspicious libraries/components one by one.
  2. Test the app after each removal to see if the tab positioning issue is resolved.

By process of elimination, you’ll be able to identify if a specific library or component is causing the issue.

Solution 5: Update Your Dependencies and Packages

It’s possible that an outdated package or dependency is causing the issue. Try updating your dependencies and packages to the latest versions:

npm install @react-navigation/bottom-tabs@latest

Update your other dependencies and packages accordingly, and then re-test the app.

Solution 6: Use a Different Tab Navigator

If all else fails, you can try using a different tab navigator, such as the `MaterialBottomTabNavigator`:

import { createMaterialBottomTabNavigator } from '@react-navigation/material-bottom-tabs';

const Tab = createMaterialBottomTabNavigator();

function MyTabs() {
  return (

This might resolve the issue, especially if you’re experiencing problems with the `BottomTabNavigator` specifically.


By following these solutions, you should be able to resolve the issue of the BottomTabNavigator not showing tabs at the bottom in your React Native app. Remember to methodically troubleshoot the problem, eliminating potential causes one by one. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try different approaches until you find the solution that works for you!

Solution Description
Solution 1 Check BottomTabNavigator configuration
Solution 2 Reset styles and layouts
Solution 3 Platform-specific tweaks (iOS and Android)
Solution 4 Isolate third-party library conflicts
Solution 5 Update dependencies and packages
Solution 6 Use a different tab navigator (e.g., MaterialBottomTabNavigator)

Happy coding, and may your tabs always be where they belong – at the bottom!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with your BottomTabNavigator in React Native? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the issue of BottomTabNavigator not showing tabs and appearing at the top instead of the bottom.

Q: Why is my BottomTabNavigator not showing tabs?

A: This could be due to a bug in the react-navigation library. Try updating your react-navigation version to the latest one. If that doesn’t work, check if you have correctly wrapped your app with a NavigationContainer.

Q: Why is my tab navigator appearing at the top instead of the bottom?

A: This might be because you haven’t specified the tabBarPosition prop in your Tab.Navigator component. Make sure to set it to ‘bottom’ to display the tabs at the bottom of the screen.

Q: Do I need to use a specific theme for the BottomTabNavigator to work correctly?

A: Yes, you need to use a theme that supports bottom tabs, such as the default theme provided by react-navigation. If you’re using a custom theme, make sure it has the necessary styles for bottom tabs.

Q: Can I use a custom component as a tab?

A: Yes, you can use a custom component as a tab by using the tabBarIcon prop in the Screen component. Just make sure to return a valid JSX element from the function.

Q: How can I debug the issue if none of the above solutions work?

A: Try to debug the issue by checking the console for any error messages, inspecting the component tree in the React Native debugger, or using a library like React Native Debugger to inspect the component hierarchy.

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